2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/05/2021  |   10:00 AM - 4:00 PM   |  NCSA and NCHAM Collaboration: Bringing Cued Speech to Families and Early Intervention Providers   |  Networking

NCSA and NCHAM Collaboration: Bringing Cued Speech to Families and Early Intervention Providers

the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management and the National Cued Speech Association, through its affiliate, Cue College, are offering free Cued Speech instruction to families of children who are deaf/hard of hearing on infanthearing.org. Early intervention providers and families are strongly encouraged to capitalize on this opportunity to take this course live with nationally-certified Cued Speech instructors and understand how to refer families to Cued Speech services appropriately via infanthearing.org. Cued Speech is the system whereby languages such as American English, Tagalog, Cantonese, and Spanish are visually accessible to deaf/hard of hearing children. By combining consonant-handshapes with vowel-placements, language can be “cued” in real-time to disambiguate speech-reading for deaf/hard of hearing children. Early intervention providers and families of deaf/hard of hearing children taking this course will learn how to cue in six (6) hours and will understand what resources are available to support them as they continue to build fluency after completing the instructional session. More about the instructors: Rachel McAnallen is a native, deaf cuer who considers herself multimodal. Rachel is the 2nd Vice President of the National Cued Speech Association and has taught Cued Speech for parents, professionals, and children through Hands and Voices and Arlington Public Schools’ American Sign Language and Cued Language Education Sessions (ACES). Rachel provided training on Cued Speech to Virginia’s EHDI Advisory Committee in 2018. Nicole Frye is a Teacher of the Deaf at Illinois School for the Deaf, which offers an accessible ASL/English bilingual environment. Nicole is also a regional representative for the National Cued Speech Association.

  • Students will understand how to use the Cued Speech system to model spoken language for deaf/hard of hearing infants and children who benefit from visual and/or auditory inputs.
  • Students will know how to immediately transfer their new Cued Speech skills and knowledge to the early intervention and home settings.
  • Students who work in early intervention settings will be able to provide families with unbiased and accurate information about Cued Speech and be able to refer them to on-line resources offered by NCHAM and Cue College, an affiliate of the National Cued Speech Association.

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Rachel McAnallen (), National Cued Speech Association, rmcanallen@cuedspeech.org;
Rachel McAnallen is a deaf, native cuer. She was born with severe-profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and uses a hearing aid and cochlear implant. She is multimodal and communicates via spoken language, signed language, and cued language. She is a nationally-certified Cued Speech instructor and has taught for customers such as Hands and Voices, EHDI Advisory Committees, Arlington Public Schools, and Fairfax Public Schools. After serving as a regional representative for the National Cued Speech Association for three years, Rachel was elected 2nd Vice President for the 2020-2023 NCSA term. Rachel also serves on the Board of Directors for Maryland/DC Hands and Voices. Rachel is a licensed Professional Engineer for the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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• Has a Other relationship (National Cued Speech executive board member) relationship for Volunteer employment.

Nicole Frye (), National Cued Speech Association, nfrye@cuedspeech.org;
Nicole Frye is a Teacher of the Deaf at Illinois School for the Deaf, which offers an accessible ASL/English bilingual environment. Nicole is also a regional representative for the National Cued Speech Association.


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